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Always Professional

Strata painting is not just ordinary painting maintenance. First, we divide up your building into sections and then we assess all of the surfaces thoroughly. Different surfaces use different coatings, paints and resurfacing techniques to bring them in-line with their ultimate durability and aesthetic charm. 

That means we might focus on concrete repairs on an exterior but do graffiti removal on another part of the building. Perhaps we’ll do stain removal on a wooden floor and waterproofing in the changing rooms of an indoor pool.

We don’t just beautify buildings.

We add coatings and perform special treatments that ensure the ongoing prevention of further staining or decay.

We can perform aftercare preservation, high-pressure washing, sandblasting and even retouch delicate murals and plasterwork.

What all this means is sometimes we do Strata work on commercial properties and other times we work on residential properties such as apartment buildings, large houses and vacation rentals. We bring our own scaffold and elevated work platforms (EWP) and we’re not scared of heights! That makes us better than other companies who will make you hire them from a separate supplier (and also very brave).

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